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OOP in LS: MVC in Lotus Notes

by Bernd,
assono GmbH, Standort Hamburg,

A picture named M2 The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern has its origin in Smalltalk. It describes a principle for developing graphical user interfaces. The core idea is the separation of the domain classes from its presentation.

A picture named M3
The pattern has three components

The advantage of this pattern is that the domain class has no knowledge about their presentation. By that it's possible to change the presentation without any changes at the domain class. For multiple presentation of the same domain class it makes life a lot easier. The reason for the separation of the presentation (View) from the user interaction (controller) is also flexibility. One controller could be used for different presentations.

But what about Lotus Notes? In my last blog entry OOP in LotusScript - Why should you care? I showed why object-oriented programming in LotusScript is a good thing. So this one is more about how to integrate custom classes writen in LotusScript.

The primary design element for presentation and editing of information in Lotus Notes is the form. So the integration has to start by using the LotusScript custom class from within the form. Frankly I don't like too much code in the form. If things get complicated there are to many places where code could be. All relevant code should be in one script library. In the form there should only be calls to the script library.

So lets have a look at the model-view-controller pattern for Lotus Notes. The domain class is the model. The presentation is done using a Notes form, which has the role of the view part (Not Notesview but more on a conceptual level). For interaction between these both components there is a controller class.

A picture named M2

Why do we need a controller class? Why not interact from the domain class directly with the form? Hypothetical we could do it, but we would lose flexibility. Specially if we use UI classes or methods in our domain class we could no longer use it for a scheduled agent running on the server. The controller class takes care about this problem by giving us a way to use all UI methods we need and also be able to use our domain class in every context we want to.

I will discuss the separation of back end and front end and the use of the controller class in my next blog entry: OOP in LS: Use of Controller Classes / Separation of Front end and Back end

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