IBM - the clear market leader worldwide, focusing on Cognitive/AI Software Platforms - this is the result of a recent worldwide study focusing on "Cognitive/AI Software Platforms Market Shares, 2017: Significant Growth Continues", conducted by the IDC (International Data Corporation). The IDC is a provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. Overall, this study shows that the cognitive/artificial intelligence (AI) software platforms market experienced significant growth in 2017, growing 23.1% to $2 billion.
9,6% market share and 18% market growth for IBM in the AI sector in 2017 - that is the impressive result of this study for the AI Software Platforms of IBM. For comparison: There is no other company worldwide in 2017 that can provide such a high market share by itself. Gaining 3,6% market share, the US based vendor for software and services "Palantir" comes second. With a market share of 1,9% Microsoft ranks fourth, followed by Google with a market share of 1,8%. In summary, the cognitive/AI software platforms market in 2017 was made up primarily of many dozens of start-ups and small software firms with an increasing number of very large vendors like IBM providing market offerings.

IBM increased its revenue due to AI-Software in 2017 up to $190 million. And this is not really a surprise, since IBM was already the leading vendor in the AI software sector in 2015 worldwide, generating sales of $105 million and in 2016 a revenue of $161 million. By increasing its revenue up to $190 million in 2017, the gap between IBM and the second ranking Palantir ($71,4 million revenue), makes it even more clear what great trust people have in IBM AI technology, software and platforms.
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