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Enhance Web application performance and flexibility with these 10 AJAX/Domino techniques

von Thomas,
assono GmbH, Standort Kiel,

In der Ausgabe von The View ist folgender assono-Artikel erschienen:

“Fill your toolbox with these 10 techniques for calling a Domino Web server using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). Discover the advantages and limitations of the response-data formats available for each technique, including their effect on the browser user experience and the overhead they incur in either development time or execution. By using AJAX to get or change data or start processes, your Web applications gain performance, speed, and flexibility that vastly improve the Web user experience. This article explains each technique, lists its pros and cons, and provides code samples in a download database.”

— THE VIEW, März/April 2007

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assono GmbH

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