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Start and stop Sametime Proxy Server V11 automatically with Linux systemd service

von Thomas,
assono GmbH, Standort Kiel,

I have already expressed my joy in several articles here that Sametime now works without the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and without Db2. And that because of this fundamental change there were some gaps in the short term, which all could be closed/repaired quickly and easily. This article also fits into this category:

In the past, the shell script made let you install services for everything (except the Db2 instance) under Linux. This way Sametime was started automatically when the operating system was started. But without WAS there is no

For the Sametime Community Server, which runs as a task in the Domino server, there is a proven option, although not published by HCL: Domino on Unix/Linux Start Script by Daniel Nashed.

But for the new Sametime Proxy Server there is no such thing yet. Not officially. In response to the question of What is the best practice to start Sametime in Linux / RHEL 7.8 automatically on boot up? Anthony Payne, HCL created a systemd configuration: Sametime v11 on Linux - How to create a service for the Sametime Proxy.

For myself, I

For me I have made a few small adjustments:

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The remaining commands for preparation and post processing only need to be adapted to the name change.

As root (or with sudo):

adduser -m -U -d /opt/hcl/sametimeproxy -s /bin/false sametimeproxy
chown -R sametimeproxy:sametimeproxy /opt/hcl/sametimeproxy
nano /etc/systemd/system/sametimeproxy.service

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable sametimeproxy
systemctl start sametimeproxy

systemctl stop sametimeproxy

Anthony writes in his answer, that with version 11.5 a corresponding start script should be included in the installation again.


Fachbeitrag HCL Sametime Administration Für Entwickler

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assono GmbH

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