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Quick-Tipp: Schnelleinstieg in Symphony-Macro-Programmierung

von Thomas,
assono GmbH, Standort Kiel,

Nützlicher Artikel für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Macro-Programmierung in IBM Lotus Symphony suchen:

A quick start to using macros and controls in IBM Lotus Symphony

Summary: This article provides a step-by-step guide to get you started with macro programming for IBM® Lotus® Symphony? in BASIC. It introduces the macro editor, shows how to add a control object to a Lotus Symphony document, demonstrates how to associate a control event to a macro, and introduces how to access data in a Lotus Symphony spreadsheet.

Autor: Tim Robinson (, Senior Software Engineer, IBM

Fachbeitrag HCL Notes HCL Notes Traveler IBM Entwicklung

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assono GmbH

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assono GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Straße 1–7
24223 Schwentinental

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22761 Hamburg

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