Bei IBM LotusLive stehen die nächsten Tage
einige Optimerungen des Netzwerks ins Haus.
IBM wird die Dienste von Acceleration
Networks nutzen, die insbesondere Benutzern mit niedriger Bandweite oder
hoher Latenz (Antwortzeiten) zu Gute kommen.
"Dear LotusLive Administrator,
This message has been sent to advise your technical and service teams regarding an upcoming enhancement to IBM's LotusLive Notes, LotusLive Engage, LotusLive Connections, and LotusLive Meetings services. Within the next several days we will introduce improved Acceleration Network technology. As you may be aware, Acceleration Networks optimize the route between the User's device and the LotusLive services. This enhancement comes to you free of charge and will benefit your users, particularly those using low bandwidth or high latency internet connections.
(Note, at this time only parts of the LotusLive Notes service are being moved to the Acceleration Networks. The Notes client connections and LotusLive Notes service once authenticated will be moved to the Acceleration Network shortly.)
As a reminder, and in an effort to avoid any disruption for your users, IBM recommends that you and your users utilize DNS names, rather than IP addresses, when connecting to the LotusLive services. This will become more important as we introduce the Acceleration Network technology as the related IP addresses may change often and without notice.
If you are using a Firewall, you should
learn more about this enhancement by visiting the LotusLive
. Alternatively, you may
also contact LotusLive Support or LotusLive Client Services directly with
any questions.
Best Regards,
The IBM LotusLive Team"