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Lotus Knows IdeaJam läuft und läuft und läuft...

von Thomas,
assono GmbH, Standort Kiel,

Der Lotus Knows IdeaJam läuft und läuft und läuft... Zur Halbzeit (noch nicht ganz, aber bald) gibt es bereits 740 Ideen, es wurden 11380 Stimmen abgegeben und 1520 Kommentare geschrieben!

Ich habe bisher für (oder gegen) über 700 Ideen gestimmt und die folgenden 28 Ideen eingestellt:

Lotus doesn't Know the language of SMB customers
Lotus Knows real work isn't centered on documents, but activities
Lotus Knows you need good information for good decisions
Lotus Knows sharing knowledge means to augment knowledge
Lotus Knows how to recover from a disaster the easy way (and fast!)
Lotus Knows how to get every single problem fixed
Lotus Knows world-wide updates deployment can be done in 5 clicks
Lotus Knows the value of custom applications
Lotus Knows how to get value out of ideas
Lotus Knows how Web applications should been build nowadays
Lotus Knows how to Reach your colleague
This campaign must be extended to Europe FAST!!!
Lotus Knows the many benefits of corporate blogs
Lotus Knows being off-line doesn't mean disconnected
Lotus Knows how to change properly
Lotus Knows approving requests should be done in two clicks
Lotus Knows how to connect the extranet to my business
Lotus Knows my duties for today (and remembers me)
Lotus Knows which water tap drips
Lotus Knows how to find for what you are searching - fast!
Lotus Knows how to serve applications - for decades
Lotus Knows you need your data where you are - for decades
Lotus Knows who will visit me today
Lotus Knows how to help company founders getting started
Lotus Knows how to boost my productivity
Lotus Knows when to withdraw from a contract
Lotus Knows all the history of the customer ringing
Lotus Knows the bonuses I earned

Mach' mit - und stimme für meine Ideen:

Veranstaltung Fachbeitrag HCL Notes HCL Domino HCL Notes Traveler HCL Sametime IBM

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assono GmbH

Standort Kiel (Zentrale)
assono GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Straße 1–7
24223 Schwentinental

Standort Hamburg
assono GmbH
Bornkampsweg 58
22761 Hamburg

Zentrale: +49 4307 900 416
Vertrieb: +49 4307 900 402
