Wir freuen uns, auch 2010 bei der ILUG
mit einer Session dabei sein zu dürfen.
and Notes
Hort Track:
dojo is the JavaScript framework chosen
by IBM to be used in XPages. This alone makes it worth a look. Beside this
it is very powerful. To add "Drag&Drop" to your application
is just three lines of code. Using a Date picker is just a HTML attribute
added to the input element. And there are tons of other useful stuff. The
best thing is that you can use it today in your standard Notes web development
project. No need to wait for Lotus Domino 8.5. The sessions starts with
an small introduction to dojo and then dives into the samples. Each sample
shows another dojo technique.
Domino Server NICHT neustarten (aktualisiert²) - IF installieren!
HCL informiert über einen kritischen Fehler, der zu Routingfehlern führt Mehr