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7 Things IT Managers Should Know About Lotus Notes

von Thomas,
assono GmbH, Standort Kiel,

Ich bin gerade (via den TLCC Newsletter) auf einen ganz tollen Artikel von Thomas Duff im CIO Magazine gestoßen;

7 Things IT Managers Should Know About Lotus Notes
Your company might use Lotus Notes and Domino Servers. But you probably aren't taking advantage of this powerful enterprise application.

1. Notes is more than "just e-mail."
2. Notes and Domino is a powerful (and open) application development platform.
3. Notes is the client, Domino is the server.
4. Notes has a long history of backward compatibility.
5. Replication lets you work both online and offline.
6. Notes applications can be built for both the Notes client and for Web browsers.
7. Notes is "not dead."

Den kompletten Artikel gibt es unter:

Mehr zu lesen von Thomas "Duffbert" Duff gibt es in seinem Blog: Duffbert's Random Musings

Quelle: 7 Things IT Managers Should Know About Lotus Notes, CIO Magazine

Fachbeitrag HCL Notes HCL Domino HCL Notes Traveler

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